1. The deadline for completing applications under the grandfathering clause (application filed before January 1, 2015) was December 31, 2017. Incomplete applications from the period between January 1, 2013 and January 1, 2018 have been purged from our system and are no longer accepted for review.
2. When selecting people to serve as references, please be sure that all are either already licensed Professional Geoscientists or eligible to be licensed as Professional Geoscientists. Also, please be aware that at least one of your references should be from outside of the company where you are currently employed and family members cannot serve as references.
Louisiana Act 228, effective May 28, 2014, amends and reenacts the Louisiana Revised Statute 37:711.14(B) and 711.15(A)(4)(b), relative to the Louisiana Professional Geoscience Practice Act as follows:
The Board may adopt or recognize, in whole or in part, an examination prepared, administered, or graded by another organization, on a regional or national basis, that the board determines appropriate to measure the qualifications of an applicant for a license under this Chapter; however the board retains the authority to determine a passing grade for a license in this state on an adopted or recognized examination prepared, administered, or graded by another organization, on a regional or national basis.
An applicant who applies for licensure under this Chapter prior to January 1, 2015, shall be exempt from taking the examination described in Subparagraph (a) of this Paragraph if the applicant satisfies all the other requirements of this Subsection.
A. To be eligible for licensing by the Louisiana Board of Professional Geoscientists (LBOPG), an applicant shall meet the following minimum qualifications:
B. The board may accept qualifying work experience in lieu of the education required in Section A above.
A. The board shall apply the following standards in evaluating the work experience of an applicant for a license:
B. The board may accept research in or the teaching of a discipline of geoscience at the college or university level as qualifying work experience if the research or teaching, in the judgment of the board, is comparable to work experience obtained in the practice of geoscience.
Application/Initial Licensing Fee $250
Annual License Renewal $150
Annual Renewal of license for members aged 60+ years $100
Late Renewal Penalty $50
Temporary License (90 days) $250
Geoscientist-in-Training Application Fee $100
Geoscientist-in-Training Annual Renewal Fee $75
Duplicate Wall License Certificate $25
Affidavit of Licensure $15
Verification of Licensure $15
Insufficient Funds Fee $25
*Please note that all fees are non-refundable.
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